Recipes with a Cause: Almond Ricotta Tacos Dorados

This week’s recipe in our Recipes with A Cause series is a vegan version of a Mexican dish that is super delicious. It’s full of so many savory flavors with a satisfying crunch.

We’re so lucky to have this recipe created and shared by friend of NTR, Ana Alarcon. This recipe was a staple in her household and we hope it will become a staple in yours. You can follow Ana on Instagram for vegan eats, outdoor adventures, low waste tips, and more at @anaalarcon. And follow her at @thevedgelife for simple workouts, recipes, and her podcast in English and Spanish. Seriously, go follow her, she has so much awesome content.

We won’t keep you from this recipe any longer, scroll down for some tacos dorados!

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As a Mexican, I grew up eating tacos dorados. It was a staple in our house, and we probably ate them multiple times a month. And even a week! So here’s a recipe using the leftover of your almond milk. It is cheesy and delicious.

I make this recipe when I am missing home, and need some Mexican comfort food. It is also a perfect side dish!

Almond Ricotta Tacos Dorados



Almond Ricotta:

  • 1 cup almond pulp (leftover from almond milk)

  • 2-3 Tbsp nutritional yeast

  • 1 Tsp. dried oregano

  • 1 Tsp. dried, or fresh, cilantro

  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • 10-12 Corn Tortillas

  • Olive oil

Toppings (optional)

  • Cashew Crema

  • Tomatoes

  • Lettuce

  • Avocado

  • Salsa


  • Place all the almond ricotta ingredients in a bowl, almond pulp, nutritional yeast, oregano, cilantro, salt and pepper,  and mix until well combined. Set aside.

  • Place 6-7 corn tortillas in between a damped clean tea towel, wrap around and heat in the microwave for 12 minutes. Carefully, set aside once warm.

  • Place a large skillet or pan in medium heat, let warm up and add around 2-3 tbsp of olive oil.

  • Place one of the warm corn tortillas in a plate, or flat surface, and with a spoon add a heaping tablespoon of the almond ricotta mix in the middle of the tortilla. Carefully roll into the “taquitos” form.

  • Carefully place the rolled tortilla in the hot pan. Repeat the process until the pan is full. Using two forks, or thongs, turn the tacos dorados around once they are crispy and light brown.

  • Repeat until you finish the tortillas and filling. Feel free to add more oil as you go.

  • I like to put a bowl with a paper towel on the side and let the tacos dorados drained there. That way there’s less oil when serving.

  • For serving (optional), you can top the tacos dorados with cashew crema, or sour cream of your choice, salsa, avocado, and tomato. Enjoy!

Bonus! A video to follow along…